Sunday, July 14, 2019

Download Ebook Otherland - City of Golden Shadow, by Tad Williams

Download Ebook Otherland - City of Golden Shadow, by Tad Williams

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Otherland - City of Golden Shadow, by Tad Williams

Otherland - City of Golden Shadow, by Tad Williams

Otherland - City of Golden Shadow, by Tad Williams

Download Ebook Otherland - City of Golden Shadow, by Tad Williams

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Otherland - City of Golden Shadow, by Tad Williams

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Tad Williams has held more jobs than any sane person should admit to—singing in a band, selling shoes, managing a financial institution, throwing newspapers, and designing military manuals, to name just a few. He also hosted a syndicated radio show for ten years, worked in theater and television production, taught both grade-school and college classes, and worked in multimedia for a major computer firm. He is cofounder of an interactive television company, and is currently writing comic books and film and television scripts as well. Tad and his family live in London and the San Francisco Bay Area. You can find Tad Williams at 


Taschenbuch: 800 Seiten

Verlag: DAW; Auflage: Reprint (1. Januar 1998)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9780886777630

ISBN-13: 978-0886777630

ASIN: 0886777631

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

10,7 x 4,4 x 17,8 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.1 von 5 Sternen

54 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 52.436 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Wow.What an incredibly long story.What an amazingly epic story.I think I started with part 1 back in September. And finished with part 4 just now, in mid February.So anyone who's just about considering to buy: like me, you might find yourself thinking about dropping the book and start something else. There are long passages in all four books that make you question if this is really necessary as it doesn't seem to directly contribute to the main story, like the several bushmen tales. But these parts are not actually boring and even help you get known to the characters even more. And they create a kind of mood that gives the whole story so much more power. Around end of book 2, it doesn't feel like just a story anymore - you become part of this incredible universe.Definitely a book to read!

City of Golden Shadow ist so gut und spannend geschrieben, dass ich nach hundert Seiten das seltene Gefühl hatte, es möge noch dicker sein - zum Glück gibt es ja noch drei Bände, auch wenn die hier nicht gerade gelobt werden.Bisher finde ich es - neben der spannenden Geschichte - absolut faszinierend, wie das Internet "vor zehn Jahren" sich in dem Buch spiegelt. Das Internet vor zehn Jahren war teuer, Online-Zeit kostbar. Nur einige wenige Freaks kannten sich richtig aus. Es gab zwar Visionen von Virtual Reality, aber dass es mal Flatrates geben würde, hat Williams sich damals wohl nicht vorstellen können. Genauso wenig wie ich mir, als ich ihn vor 10 Jahren auf einer Lesereise in Mannheim live erleben durfte, hätte vorstellen können, dieses Buch mit dem komplizierten Thema jemals selbst lesen würde - und auf Englisch! Damals musste mein Freund alles mit Computer und Internet erledigen und angeblich war alles total schwer nachvollziehbar, wenn man in der Hinsicht nicht fit war.Inzwischen ist uns das Internet so selbstverständlich geworden, dass wir zu vergessen neigen, wie neu es ist. Die Gefahren, die Williams beschreibt, die Korruption, die Verwirrung zwischen echter und viruteller Realität, das Abdriften der Jugend in eine Traumwelt, sind jedoch aktueller denn je - und kommen in all ihrer schockierenden Realität zur Darstellung.Ich bin normal kein großer Fantasy- oder Science-Fiction-Leser, aber dieses Buch ist dennoch ein Gewinn und rangiert meiner Meinung nach auf der Liste der "Must-Have-Read" bzw. "Seen" wie seine Vorbilder "Lord of the Rings (Herr der Ringe)" und "Matrix I".After a hundred pages I got the rare feeling the book was even thicker. Luckily, there are still 3 more volumes to read.It is fascinating how Williams weaves the 1996-ideas and -problems of the Internet into the novel, e.g. that it was expensive to be online and to get proper equipment. Today, computers are rather cheap and almost everybody who is online has a flatrate at a reasonable price.What - sadly - is very up to date in his novel are the problems he was seeing ahead. Youths preferring Cyberspace to real life and finally getting lost in it not only in a metaphorical sense, corruption, manipulation, power and terror in a place that originally was supposed to be one of anarchy as well as of liberty, freedom and equality.Just like "Lord of the Rings" and "Matrix" you should know it, even if you're usually not into the Science-Fiction of Fantasy-Genre.

Otherland ist eine wundervolle Mischung aus Fantasy und Social Fiction, die die LeserInnen auch bei mehrmaliger Lektüre gekonnt in liebevoll und detailreich aufgebaute Welten entführt.Auch die Charaktere wirken äusserst authentisch und waren mir schon nach kurzer Zeit ans Herz gewachsen.Auch wenn Otherland schon einige Jahre alt ist - Tad Williams' Vorstellung einer Virtual Reality und ihrer Interfaces wirkt nach wie vor frisch und innovativ.Ganz klare Leseempfehlung!

It would have been better if Tad Williams had written three books instead of one. The beginning is very confusing and the only thing you understand is that there might come some criticism of possible developemnts of the internet. Perhaps this was the intention. But there is no depth, there is no sincere discussion of the dangers of the net. Then there are too many people and too many motivations and there is no ending. Even when there is a sequel, there should be a kind of solution, or at least a first relaxation after such a quest. But there is not. Then there are too many genres mixed in this novel. There is a bit of Slaughterhouse 5, there is a bit of science fiction (the novel is definitely not sf!), there is a bit of a mainstream novel (with some thin social criticism), and yes, there is Frodo looking round the corner, and among other ingredients there is a pinch of Conan, too. Oh, and there is also the noble savage with the old mirror that is supposed to reflect our wicked civilization. I admit, in the process of reading this story (these stories) I got a little more interested and I did not lay the book down. I have bought the second book as well, but it will take a long time before I can make me read it.

This sprawling, rambling story, which stretches across 4 books of six hundred plus pages each, was an easy read for me. No problem that there were many characters from all over the world, I actually liked that fact. I can't quite understand reviews writing about the story not getting anywhere or characters not evolving. Tastes are different it seems and this book was to mine. Ok, the ending is a bit far-fetched but then again to me it is a fantasy story so most anything goes as long as it keeps me turning the pages. I would love to see Dread on the screen, I think he would be an awesome movie-villain, up there with Hannibal, The Heath Ledger-Joker, Jaws or Anton Chigurh. Haven't read any other books from T. Williams, though.

...verhaftet in the real life. Viele verschiedene rote Fäden, einzelne Geschichten, die sich nach und nach miteinander verbinden. Schöne Bild- und lebhafte Sprache, einfach großartig!

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